Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day Seventeen, Evening

  Was a busy day today. After reading a couple more cheesy spy novels I decided I needed a safe house or two. Because being a spy is dangerous. Especially if your cover is blown. I may need a place to hole up if this all goes south. And a new cover. I bought myself a forge, bellows, tongs, a few hammers of various shapes and sizes, and several other tools to smith weapons, because yes crafting weapons is one of my many talents.... Something I was taught at military school.
  Now setting up said forge is proving tricky. The Goblin bazaar looks like a good place because people who come looking for me probably won't look there. I will need to buy a disguise kit and those puppy's cost 55 gold. I will have to come up with a cool alias for this cover....
  How about MC. Which I will tell peeps stands for Master Crafter.....
  Yep.... MC of the Hammer.... Sounds like a good name for my Shop....

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day Sixteen, Evening

  First thing I did this morning after my routines was check in on Skylar. He is regaining his strength slowly but all his wounds are healed. Abrandon said three more days at least. After that I spent the day at the Library reading cheesy spy novels. Figured it would help me with my current assignment.
  The first thing I noticed is that all the hero's in these novels are masters of seduction. I must be doing something wrong here as I have been at this two weeks and have not seen any action of this type. Also they seem to have a myriad assortment of gadgets. All I have while taking stock of my inventory is my armor and weapons. 50 feet of rope. A couple of torches. Some flint and steel for lighting said torches. A potion of healing and a Shovel.
  I am coming to the conclusion that I am ill equipped and ill prepared for this mission. I will continue reading tomorrow to get some more idea's for gadgets and some cheesy one liners that may get me some of the better fringe benefit's of being a master spy.
  I go to bed now and will try to dream of ways to impress both Mirashi Verlon and Iliara Starcloak. To have both women under my sway and be master of both the Goldcloak's and the Blue Basilisk's is within my grasp.
  I just need to have good plan to make it so.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day Fifteen, Evening

  I reported in to both of my commanding officers today. I have to say this spy business is starting to get a little exciting. Iilara Starcloak was particularly interested in my exploits into the Accursed Halls and below. She was impressed with me for finding a way past the Stargate and asked me to keep her informed. I think I may be able to use this to suitably impress her and win a way into her bedchamber. I here them She Elves are Agile...Heh heh....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day Fourteen, Evening

  Skylar is bedridden. Even with Abrandon's considerable skills with healing magic it will be almost a week before he can adventure again. Everyone has pouch's full of gold so this looks like a good time for some R&R. I spent the day relaxing and exploring the town. While I was at Thornkeep Mercantile browsing their goods I noticed Shakes there stocking shelves. When I asked why he was stocking shelves when he had a pouch full of gold he just shrugged and said it was his job. Now I know Shakes isn't the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but I couldn't for the life of me understand why he was stocking shelves in a store when he had enough gold in his pouch to possibly buy his own store.....something is fishy there....

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day Thirteen, Evening

  Upon arriving at the Green Forest Inn I immediately noticed  an extra person at the meeting table. Mordin introduced the kid as Aramel and said, in a no argument sort of way, that he would be accompanying us.
  Well ok then.
  I said to the kid. " Aramel. What is your area of expertise? "
  His reply was " Killing things."
  His clothing was dark. His weapons were within easy and quick reach. I couldn't tell if he was wearing armor under his cloak. I assumed he was an assassin or rogue and made a mental note to keep an eye on him.
  We settled in for breakfast. Mordin as usual ate more than the rest of us put together. So with full belly's we headed down into the Accursed Halls for the third time. We had no trouble getting down to the Room of Silence where the demonic statue was. I was able to examine things more thoroughly without the imminent threat of soul sucking death.
  The silence was eerie and played upon my nerves. Examining the statue more closely I found a name at the base of it.
  I pulled a small shovel out of my backpack that I use to dig trenches and foxholes and broke a little piece off Abraxus's foot.
  I didn't think that serpent like foot needed that fang anyways.
  I put my shovel away and stored the piece of statue in one of my many pouches. I determined to examine it latter.
  However, when we left the room I noticed my hearing was hampered. Kind of filtered and muted. I asked the others if they were having problems hearing and they said no. I pulled the serpents fang from my pouch and told them what I suspected.
  Everyone got a little excited about this news. They said if we were able to take the statue outside and fashion arrowheads and crossbow bolts from it they could be used to rain havoc down on enemy wizards and such on the battlefield. I was caught up in all the fervor until I thought ahead and envisioned what the Blue Basilisks could do to Ilaira Starcloak and the rest of the Goldcloaks if it fell into their hands. I pictured poor Iliara with several arrows in her gorgeous body, unable to work her magic and to defend herself. And if I raised a hand to defend her, I pictured those same arrows in my body....
  Quickly I put the stone chip back at the base of the statue and informed the party I would grab it on the way out.
  Travelling past the Wight's tomb we came to a dark and shadowy room which was several degree's colder than the room we just exited. Colder than a Wight's Tomb did not bode well. Cautiously we entered. About halfway through this room one of the 'shadows' came to life and grabbed Skylar.
  The way everything seems to go right after Skylar, I am thinking of giving him the nickname "Bad Luck."  But probably shouldn't.
  Skylar let out a muffled "yip" and halfheartedly swung the Sword of Zog at it.
  The cleric Abrandon once again presented his holy symbol. I guess, for the record books, that having your soul sucked out of you and then having it shoved back down your throat via magic potion increases ones confidence. because the blast of faith from Abrandon was literally palpable.
  I almost felt sorry for the Shadow as it did a backflip mid air and flew away into a crack in the ceiling.
  "Wow!" I said. "How long will that last?"
  " It will keep the Undead at bay for about a minute" he said.
  Skylar said the things touch made him feel weak like a baby. Abrandon examined him and said his strength would return a little each day and that he should be fine in about a week. Skylar, being the trooper he is said he could continue.
  I have a mental clock in my head and gave the party a heads up that the Shadow would be returning any second.
  We fanned out.
  Sure enough that Shadow came streaking out of that crack to be met with spells, arrows and axe swings.
  I hope it has a happy undead afterlife. Because that is where we sent it.
  We proceeded on.
  After a little more exploration we had determined we had exhausted all our avenues up to the 'Stardoor'. We had been finding and collecting small stones that looked like they would fit in the holes around the Starlike pattern. We had seven different colored stones. One for each of the holes.
  Our new member, Aramel, trying to prove himself , volunteered to place the stones into the door. As he placed the seventh Keystone into it's slot, all the stones were ejected and a burst of electricity shot forth.
  The Kid was quick, I'll give him that. because he ducked that lightning.
  " There must be an order to their placement." I declared.
  My fellow adventurers looked at each other, looked back at me, and handed me the stones. Stepping well back they said. " Figure it out. Oh Ye of 5 languages."
  Stepping up to the door, I took the stones, and starting at the top and proceeding clockwise, I placed them. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. The coloring order of the prism.
  The starlike pattern began to glow and the doors swung silently open.
  I stepped back and looked at my friends. To their astonished stares and agape mouths I said "It pays to stay in school."
  As they were passing me on their way through the door the halforc barbarian stopped and poked a finger into my chest. " Are you sure your not a wizard?" he said.
  "Nope!" I hastily declared. Rubbing my chest. ( that hurt right through my chainshirt!) "No spell books here. I'm just very smart. Sort of like one of your tribal shamans."
  Turning his head sideways he cocked an eye and said. " I'm keeping an eye on you."
  The room beyond the Stardoor... Actually from here on out I am going to refer to it as the "Stargate," as that sounds way cooler.
  The room beyond the Stargate had a crystal clear pool in the middle of it of the type that one uses for scrying. And steps going down beyond that. The pool was beyond our knowledge so we took the stairs.
 At the bottom of the steps was a door, and beyond the door was a pool. But unlike the crystal clear pool above, this one was full of brackish, slimy water. The cleric, sorcerer and I stood in the entrance as the rest of the party fanned out around the pool.
  Once again Skylar's luck proved true. And I mean that as in bad luck. For something sprang from the pool and engulfed him.
  Any adventurer worth the title "Adventurer" knew what a Grey Ooze was and we all knew Skylar was in trouble. Their touch was acidic and Skylar was still suffering from the effects of the Shadow. There was no way he could wrestle that thing off himself.
  Luckily he has us.
  We blasted and chopped the thing off of him, dispatching it quick enough. Skylar was once again a smoking ruin on the floor. Once again Abrandon checked him over and declared him alive but in critical condition.
  Maybe instead of "Badluck" I will nickname him "Diehard." He would live but would have a few more scars and his armor was in bad shape.
  Once again Mordin and I was carrying Skylar out of the dungeon. But at least this time I didn't want to eat him.....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day Thirteen, Predawn

  I arise early to do my routines. The Accursed Halls is a dangerous place so I am leaving my journal here with a note to where my deciphering keys is. If I should fall in battle Iliara should find my journal and it should only take her a day or two to find the key. Hopefully she will complete my journal with my no doubt heroic and hideous death if she can discover what happened to me. I hope she can forgive me for spying upon her, but I hope she understands good soldiers follow orders.
  I have taken these precautions the way I have in case someone finds my journal before my death as I don't want to release my story until then. As parts of this would be embarrassing and dangerous to me if discovered. The extra precautions are there because any wizard or priest worth their salt could cast a spell to read my journal, but this way it will translate into gibberish to their magic. The key is the key to my journal.
  Wish me Luck!

Day Twelve, Evening

  Everyone is recovered and ready to go. Tomorrow we make our third trip into the Accursed Halls.
  On a side note. while we were meeting at the Green Forest inn, a trio of Goblins showed up. One of them claimed to be their ruler. he was interested in procuring a short sword that was rumored to be in the Accursed Halls. We immediately assumed he was talking about the short sword we found and and that Skylar was using. Skylar wisely kept the sword sheathed and none of us said anything. We asked for a description and they described what they called the "Sword Of Zog".
  We told them we would be on the watch for it and would be in touch if we found it.
  After the trio left we examined Skylar's sword more closely and did indeed determine that it was the Sword of Zog. There were runes down the blade which I interpreted to be in ancient Draconic.
  It said " Demon Slayer"
  We decided not to tell the pesky goblins we have the sword until we determine what the heck is going on.
  Retiring for the night.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day Eleven, Evening

  The group used this day of recovery to take care of business around town. Mordin left the Battle Temple and went wherever it is that Mordin goes. He said he needed a day or two to clear his head and would meet us at the Green Forest Inn tomorrow for breakfast. I spent some of the few gold I have on more equipment and ammo.
  The Party seems to be in better spirits following the disaster of our last venture. I also spent a few hours at the Library doing research on different types of undead.
  I will not be caught with my britches down again.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day Ten, Evening

  When I arrived at the Battle Temple earlier today I found Skylar and Abrandon up and moving about. They had made a complete recovery. Abrandon was very excited and had the whole temple excited about his 'divine intervention ' and hearing the 'voice' of his God. ( I didn't have the heart to tell him it was my voice he heard in his ear)
  Mordin was laid out on a white marble slab with candles and incense about his person. He was breathing but unconscious. I asked the Priest what was going on and he replied he was preparing to try and call Mordin's soul back to his body. Which was apparently flying around somewhere near since I had killed the Wight who sucked it out of him. The only problem was the spell components cost a fortune and the Priest wanted compensation we did not have.
  After some negotiations the priest agreed to do the spell if the five of us each owed him a favor. ( Yes I am a little leery of this but I need Mordin for some of my long range plans and agreed reluctantly ) Each of the us said yes and the Priest cast his spell.
  After several minutes  I witnessed a glowing, spectral light enter Mordin's body and he awoke. He was very weak and a little traumatized but the priest assured us he would make a full recovery in a few days. I sure hope he is not suffering from what we call spellshock at the academy. Sometimes the bravest soldiers go crazy under extreme combat situations.
  Only time will tell.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day Ten, Midmorning

  I am writing this quick, as I have woke up late for the first time in four years. ( My old drill instructor would have me cleaning chamber pots for this ). Also My journal is written in a code language which is a combination of letters of all five languages I speak. So some of this may be misspelled or lost in translation. Of course if you are reading this I am already dead and I hope whoever is translating my Journal is doing the deciphering justice.
  I am running through my morning exercises as I jot down words. I am about to head to the Battle Temple to check on Skylar, Abranndon and mostly Morden.
  I will make a full report tonight so don't fret. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day Nine, Midnight

   We were not prepared!
   This is what happened! I keep running it over and over in my mind to try and think if there was some way I could have saved the day but everything happened so fast and somehow I think it was my fault for not having the proper tactics prepared before hand. Something that could have somehow changed the outcome.
  We met at the Green Forest Inn as usual. We immediately set off full of piss and vinegar, even though Catosha was not among our ranks. She was apparently away on church business. We had found a new member in Abrandon, the priest of Pelor. ( I keep calling him Abaddon to mess with his mind, like I keep calling Draco, Dragon Boy ).
  We decended full of confidence, being better equipped than last time.
  Our first encounter was with a couple of Giant Cave Crickets. They sprang upon and tore into our Barabarian before we were able to dispatch them. I used one of my four Magic Missile's I had prepared but decided we needed to dispatch these large and fearsome foes quickly. The party made fun of me for shooting the ceiling again with my heavy crossbow, but in my defense that is where they Cave Crickets jumped from.
  Abrandon's curative magic was indeed exceptional and Mordin didn't even show a scratch from the crickets.
  Up until now we had faced goblins, centipedes and various other living creatures. So imagine my surprise when in the next area we encountered a quartet of entrenched skeletal archers. They had the high ground being up a few flights of steps and behind walls. We exchanged missile fire but they had to good of cover and we were to well armored for them at long range.
  Shakes dove into a large pool that stretched the length of the room and started swimming closer. he would rise every few yards to take a shot at the archers with his bow. The barbarian charged along with Abrandon, trusting their armor to protect them. Draco and I combined our spells to take down one of the archers. Him with a Firebolt and I with a Magic Missile.
  The barbarian charged up the steps, arrows bouncing off his enchanted chainmail, and swung his greataxe. Shattering one of the skeletons.
  The Cleric, Abrandon, raised his holy symbol and recited a prayer. The two remaining skeletons knees actually knocked together, and teeth chattering, they fled.
  The crazy barbarian gave chase.
  The cleric followed close behind. I, thinking it was unwise to separate the party to much, and that the safest place would be in the vicinity of Mordin, followed as fast as I could.
  I glanced over my shoulder to see the rest of the party look at each other and shrug. And start to search the room. We were on our own.
  Pell-mell I followed the cleric and barbarian down a hall. They entered a room, hesitated, and then cut to the left.  I charged in. My Morningstar ready, and was immediately wary. For one thing. There was a huge statue in the middle of the room. It was of a strange looking demon. Large and humanoid except for it's birdlike head and viscous beak. It's legs resembled serpents. The second thing I noticed was the room was totally without sound. It was silenced. I could not hear anything and would be unable to work my magic in this room. I gripped my trusty Morningstar tighter and looked to my left.
  I could see the cleric there looking out of the silenced room down a short corridor to another room. In the entrance of that room we could see the barbarian. he had apparently just taken a swing at one of the fleeing skeletons. He looked to his right, into this new room, and yelled something I could not hear. he raised his Greataxe to take a swing at something in the room.
  He never got the chance.
  It was a creature out of nightmares.
  It was obviously once human, but only resembled one now in the fact that it had two arms and two legs. I could see negative energy rolling off it in waves. A black sinister force.
  It grabbed Morden around the throat. Morden the Strong. Morden the Heavy. Morden that I thought would never meet his match in battle. And lifted him effortlessly off the ground. Mordens axe slipped from nerveless fingers as he went into weak convulsions. A white energy escaped the barbarians mouth and into the mouth of the dark creature. Energy flew from his eyes and into the eyes of the Nightmare.
  I had the distinct impression that the thing was eating his soul.
  Check that.
  Ate his soul, as it casually let Morden Fodders limp body fall to the floor.
  I screamed at the top of my lungs but nothing came out!
  The Wight, for I recognized it for what it was now, must have heard my silent scream, for it turned to look at me and the priest. Two zombies stepped up to flank it as it smiled a hungry smile at us.
  I did what any sensible person would do in this situation. I ran for my life. I tried to scream for the cleric to run also, but once again nothing came out. I needn't have bothered though as he was right behind me running as fast as he could.
  He was a sensible person too.
  We fled to the top of the steps, where the rest of the party was still searching the room with the pool. My screams of terror must have alerted them to our predicament as they fanned out around the room.
When we realized we could hear and speak again, Abrandon stopped, turned and began to pray.
  His prayers somehow gave me courage. I skidded to a stop, spun, and blasted a hole the size of a melon through the Wight's chest.
  He sneered and kept coming.
  A blast of fire from Draco hit him. He shrugged it off.
  Abrandon stepped forward boldly, presenting his holy symbol.
  The Zombies flanking the horror stopped.
  The Wight paused.
  And then took a step forward.
  A contest of wills took place. The Cleric called forth his faith. The Wight presented his dark menace. For a second I thought the cleric was going to win.
  Then the Wight stepped forward and sucked the soul right out of him. The look of surprise was frozen on the clerics face as he fell to the ground. I would have screamed again but didn't have the time. The Zombies and the Wight looked in my direction and they still looked hungry.
  Once again I was running for my life.
  And this time there was no slow ass cleric behind me to buy me time.
  I toyed with the idea to leap off the balcony into the pool 20 feet below, but quickly discounted it because of my new chainmail shirt. Taking the steps three and four at a time I fled away from the three horrors.
  If everyone ran, I did not like my odds of surviving. Shakes and Draco were not wearing armor. Skylar was dressed in leathers. They would all outrun me leaving me to the undead.
  I need not have worried though, for charging up the steps came a hero.
  Skylar charged the Wight, Magic shortword held low.
  I ran.
  I didn't think Skylar was going to last long. And I didn't want his sacrifice to be in vain.
  Out of the corner of my eye I watched Draco fling another Firebolt.
  If he was going to blast away, I might as well too.
  I turned to see Skylar at the top of the steps, still standing and holding his own against the three undead. he ducked and tumbled, swinging his shortsword to and fro, keeping his enemies at bay.
  I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. I reached into my mind and called forth my power.
  "Shrug off this!" I cried, and Blasted the Wight right between it's eyes.
  It Died.
  Well it became more dead....without the 'Un' part.
  Everyone Cheered!
  Even Skylar.
  Which is about the time when one of the Zombies struck him down with a blow over his head. He fell at their feet and I thought for sure they were going to start munching on his brains.
  But instead they both looked at me and shambled forth.
  Sometimes it's a curse being so smart.
  Draco yelled " I'm out of spells!" and readied his light crossbow.
  Shakes Shot one of them in the gut with an arrow.
  At this point I realized this was a fight to the death.
  All right then.
  I prepared my last spell. and aimed my finger at the chest of the nearest Zombie. I called forth a beam of positive energy. If I missed it would have no effect, unlike my Magic Missile, which always hits its target.
  I did not miss.
  The bright beam struck the zombie and it literally blew apart into dust.
  Shakes and Draco got the last zombie in a crossfire and shot it till it stopped moving.
  We had won.
  But at what cost!
  We ran up the steps and Draco forced a healing potion down Skylar's throat. He stirred a little and then sat bolt upright, reaching for his sword.
  Cautiously we approached the body of the cleric. It was rumored that those slain by a Wight would become a Wight in turn. I fished out a potion of Restoration that we had found on one of the Goblins.
(Now we know why they were carrying it.) Force feeding it to the cleric I whispered " Come on Abrandon, your work here is not done."
  For a few moments. Nothing happened. Then a bright luminescence approached and entered the clerics body. He stirred and took a deep breath.
  Opening his eyes he said " I saw a bright light. And then heard the voice of my God. He told me my work here was not done."
  Ya Whatever.
  He was weak, but he would live.
  On the Wight we found the missing Signet Ring.
  This made us all feel better until we remembered the barbarian. With trepidation we recovered his body. We were fresh out of  those nifty restoration potions so we tied him up. He was cold and bathed in sweat. He was heavy and it took three of us to carry him out to the Battle Temple. Brother Elerldast, the ranking priest there, put him in a tub of holy water and informed us if he made it through the night he may be able to recall his soul.
  I go to bed worried about Morden. I think he hates me but I still think of him as a friend. Not sure I will be able to sleep tonight.


Day Nine, Predawn

  I arise before the dawn, as all good soldiers do.
  I do my exercises, as all good warriors do.
  I prepare my mind, as all good spellslingers do.
  I am prepared.

Day Eight, Evening

  We have agreed to make our second foray into the Accursed Halls tomorrow. We have recruited a new cleric to replace our missing dwarf, Catosha.  His name is Abrandon and he was instrumental in Skylar's remarkable recovery from his wounds.
  Also today Mirashi Verlon pulled me aside and sought assurances that my loyalties were still to the Blue Basilisks. Not sure why she would question that but to tell the truth she doesn't really know me that well and it pays to be paranoid in her line of work.
  If she knew how ambitious I am and what my long range plans were she would be doubly so.

Day Seven, Evening

  Skylar is making a remarkable recovery. Whoever this Abrandon is he knows his stuff. If everything goes as planned we should be able to continue our exploration of the Accursed Halls the day after tomorrow. I spent the day playing chess in the Bazaar. On a side note, Catosha has gone missing. No one seems to have seen her. Will do some more investigating into her disappearance tomorrow.

Day Six, Noon

   Spent the morning at the Battle Temple, checking on Skylar. He seems to be healing well as they called in a specialist. One they call Brother Abrandon. He is a priest of Pelor and an expert at healing magic. He has informed us that Skylar will survive and will have minimal scar damage. That is a good thing as Skylar is bad enough on the eyes already. I guess living out in the wilds takes a toll on a bodies attractiveness.
  We sold all the equipment we looted with the exception of the Chainmail, which we gave to the Barbarian. The magic shortsword we awarded to Skylar. I myself netted a chain shirt and a sack of coins including gold and silver.  No more starving for this Soldier. Not bad for my first dungeon romp!
  I also reported in to both my bosses.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day Five, Evening

  Once the rest of the group was done eating breakfast, lucky dogs, we were led by the scout Skylar to the north of the keep of the leader of Thornkeep. One called Baron Turvin. Apparently he had murdered the previous Baron and that is the way the title is passed down. From Baron to Baron through baronicide.
  I wouldn't want that title.
  Skylar had a pretty good idea through some advanced research of where the entrance to the Accursed Halls was and after fanning out near the river we found it easy enough thanks to my knowledge of geography. The entrance was overgrown and I did not see any tracks going in and out, but I am by no means an expert tracker. This tunnel looked like it headed back under the hill of the Barons Keep.
   Lining up two abreast, with Skylar and the Barbarian in the front, Shakes and Draco in the middle and Catosha the cleric and I bringing up the rear we descended into darkness. Draco lit a lantern he purchased. I put my cheap, puny torch back in my backpack. Some hundred feet down this tunnel we discovered a hidden side passage going steeply down. A foul stench wafted up to us from below. Figuring something called " The Accursed Halls " probably smelled bad we decided on this route.
  Shakes said " we should stagger our formation. So we don't get taken out by traps in pairs. " sounded reasonable enough to us, so we made it so.
  I kept a wary eye on our flank.
  The passage opened up into a small room with a lone exit across from us. The source of the stench was in the center of this room in the form of a rotting pigs carcass. Morden took a big whiff and said " I don't think I ate enough." This caused several of our members to wretch. But not me and my empty stomach.
  Haha! Take that breakfast eaters!
  Shakes and Skylar moved in to examine the room for traps. Because this smelled of one.
  The pigs carcass was shackled to the floor and while they were checking this out the pair was set upon by Giant centipedes.
  I immediately fired my heavy crossbow.... and hit the ceiling. I cursed my pre combat  jitters and started to reload. By time I got the bulky thing ready to fire again the rest of the party had already dispatched the big bugs. So much for my first live fire combat!
  The next room we came to was large and vaguely diamond shaped, with us entering at one of the corners. Eight pillars in the semblance of six armed she-demons held up the ceiling. A ruined scaffolding led to a large hole some 30 feet in diameter above us. Various exits led out of this room but the most interesting was a large ornate door directly across from us.
  Shakes whispered " This is a perfect place for and ambush. " and signaled he would scout it out. Hiding in the shadows he proceeded into the room.
  Apparently Shakes was not as stealthy as he thought because he was indeed ambushed by a trio of Goblin archers from above. Shakes is quick but still only managed to dodge two of the arrows. He yelled in pain as the third one took him square in the shoulder blades. Morden, Skylar and the Cleric charged in to help Shakes but were set upon by more Goblins armed with short swords that were hiding behind the pillars. Draco and I both fired our crossbows from the door at one of the archers above. The little wretch was dug in like a bugbear tick though and we both missed.
  The Dwarf exchanged blows with her opponent, both to no effect. Skylar was dancing with another goblin. Shortsword to shortsword. Sparks flying out from their clash of steel. The halforc barabarian yelled a mighty battlecry and cut his opponent clean in half. He had a crazy look in his eye as he glared about looking for another goblin. Our group cheered! With such a warrior on our side we would certainly carry the field!
  Unfortunately the goblin archers realized this too.... and they all took aim on our chainmail clad hero. An arrow struck Morden in the thigh and another penetrated his chainmail in the back. He acted like he didn't even notice as he charged the goblin fighting Catosha.
  In an effort to stop the archers Draco stepped forward and said a single word, " Pain." Powered by his will that mystical word hit one of the archers like a kick in the nards. He doubled over and fell through the hole. Breaking his neck with an audible snap in front of us.
  Not to be outdone and not having time to reload my heavy crossbow I fired a ray of cold from my hand into the back of Skylar's opponent. I am sure the bone numbing chill played havoc on his reflexes as he wasn't able to raise his weapon in time to stop the scouts blade from opening his throat.
  Morden and Skylar had the last goblin swordsman dancing around while Catosha, bless her soul, used her magic to cure Shakes, who was looking a bit pale from loss of blood. She yelled as one of the Goblins shot her in the back!
  I don't know what came over me! To shoot a Lady in the back is one thing.....but to attack a medic on the battlefield is a serious breach of the Laws of Combat! I seen red....and called my best spell to mind.
  The Magic Missile.
  In Warmage College, they didn't just train you to cast a spell at a target. You are trained to hit that target in it's most vital areas. The goblin archer looked kind of funny with his eyes crossed trying to see the hole I had just blown through his head.
  Morden cut down the last goblin infantry and Skylar shot the last archer with his shortbow as I checked on Catosha. She was easily as tough as Morden in my opinion as she just shrugged and pulled the arrow out. With the battle being over the cleric used the rest of her magic to cure everyones wounds. We looted the bodies of the fallen goblins and examined the ornate door.
  It had a large star like pattern in the center of it surrounded by seven small holes about the width of a finger. It hummed with magic. Morden couldn't open it with all his strength. We deduced we needed seven keys to open this door and left it.
  Traveling deeper into the Accursed Halls we had minor encounters with Goblins, Stirges ( which are kind of like a cross between a bird and a mosquito. Ick!) and a purple mist that played tricks on our minds. We had found several items of interest hidden in various areas, the most notable being a set of magic chainmail and a magic shortsword with runes down the blade. I informed the group I was fluent in 5 languages including Draconic and Elvin, they were suitable impressed, but could not read these runes.
  At this point we decided to search one last room as we were mostly out of magic and getting a bit fatigued. This final room was occupied by three goblins. We assumed this would be an easy overrun and charged right in. And right into a spell one of the Goblins cast.
  In Warmage College we magically sparred, and sparred a lot. I recognized the spell as a ' Burning Hands' spell. I got my shield up and deflected the flames from myself.
  Skylar was not so lucky.
  He took the brunt of the blast full in the chest.
  We cut down the Goblins easy enough after this and Catosha checked on Skylar. He was alive but in critical condition. She assigned Morden and I to carry him out carefully, so we could get him some aid in the town above.
  On a side note, and I am ashamed to admit this, but since I will most likely be dead if anyone ever reads this Journal, you see, I had not eaten in like 36 hours, and the smell of Skylar's cooked flesh was making my mouth water. It was tricky getting him out and the whole time my stomach was growling. Thank the Seven Heavens we found some silver on some of those goblins!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day Five, Mid Morning

   Everyone was on time for our rendezvous at  the Green Forest Inn except Mordan. The Half Orc showed up a bit late. Apparently he spent the night with a rather feisty female of his species. If he dies today at least he will die happy. Not sure how he got some of those bruises he is sporting though. The rest of the group decided to have breakfast in the Inn before heading out. Gave me a chance to move upwind of the Inn and enter this journal entry.

Day Five, Predawn

  I awoke at my normal time and quickly did my routines. Am excited about this day! If I do not enter a journal entry tonight it is because I fell in battle. I hope you here from me and apologize in advance if you don't.

Day Four, Evening

  While exploring the town today looking for ways to make money two jobs presented themselves. The first I found right outside the Goldcloak tower on their message board. Apparently two Goldcloak members went missing in the woods and a 50 gold piece reward was offered for their rescue or recovery.
  The second was offered on the Blue Basilisk message board outside the Blue Basilisk clubhouse. Some Noble went missing and a 500 gold piece reward was offered for the recovery of his signet ring. Shakes the stock boy from Thornkeep Mercantile was there and we agreed to partner up to recover this ring and nab that 500 gold. This Noble apparently went missing looking for some place called the Accursed Halls, which sounded like a dangerous place to me. So I convinced Shakes that we should form an adventuring group and recruit a few more 'partners' for our cause.
   We decided we needed a tracker, a wizard, a healer or medic, and a warrior. We set off and accomplished each of these goals easy enough. We arranged to meet first thing in the morning to start our quest for the missing signet ring. Before I retire for the night here are some side notes on our current troop.

  The wizard we recruited is actually a sorcerer by the name of Draco. A fitting name for a Sorcerer methinks. And Probably not his real name. He seems a bit abrasive but tough.

  The Scout, Skylar, came well recommended by his superior. He seems quick enough and informed us he is an accomplished dungeoneer. Looks like a good addition to our party.

  The healer we signed up is a rather feisty Dwarven female by the name of Catosha. I took an immediate liking to her, much to the jibes and jokes of our other party members.

  Now for the Questionable member we have recruited. He is Obviously tough as nails. A half orc barbarian by the name of Morden. We have dubbed him "Morden Fodder". He is Huge, rude, crude, easily insulted and perfect for what we need him for except for one thing. He hates wizards and magic. Well it seems he hates a lot of things. He could be a valuable asset, but we will have to tread lightly around him.

  Shakes was the first member of the group I met and the last I will write about. He seems kind of jittery and I am not sure what he really does. Well if nothing else we will keep him around for comic relief as I find him very amusing. I might have to watch out for him as he seems to be the closest thing I have for a friend so far.

  This group gathered at an Inn called " The Green Forest Inn ",  run by a woman named Jahlin. The only thing that marred the evening was the fact that I was broke and could only afford a tankard of water, which was free. To make matters worse the half orc somehow got it in his head that I was paying for his meal, so I had to discreetly exit before everyone was done eating.
   I settle down for the night hoping tomorrow brings great things. It looks like we have a well rounded group. They were all suitably impressed when I told them how well I can shoot my heavy crossbow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day Four, Predawn

  I don't know if you folks reading this understands this situation, but being broke sucks! It is something totally new to me. But since I spent everything except a few coppers on my equipment, I needed to find some cash. And Quick!
  My Stomach was growling!
  The Goldcloak tower did not appear to have a mess hall like the Blue Basilisk clubhouse, so I am forced to go forage in the town. I am going to look for an odd job or two until my first paycheck from the Basilisks comes in.
  If I get paid! I just realized I didn't ask what the rate of pay was?!?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day Three, Evening

   I awoke an hour before dawn as I always do. I left my armor and shield behind in the secret room and travelled in a round about route across town to the home of the Goldcloaks. I was not impressed with their defenses , but being a soldier and trained in tactics I know that a wizards home can have unseen guards and wards so I reserve judgment on this.
  An apprentice showed me into the study of an extremely beautiful elven lass who was the leader of the Goldcloaks. Her name was Iliara Starcloak.
  I would be lying if I said her beauty and grace did not move me. She took an instant liking to me and agreed to take me in as a member in her guild. As soon as I was dismissed from her presence I headed straight to the Goldcloak library and started reading. Knowledge is power after all.

Day Two, Evening

 The Blue Basilisks are led by an Ambitious and crafty woman by the name of Mirashi Verlon. Captain Verlon questioned me and tested me for several hours, trying to determine my best role in her organization. I was a little bit nervous when she had me await her orders in a private, secret  room in the back of the clubhouse away from all the other members. Several hours passed and I was beginning to think she had forgotten about me when the secret door opened and the Captain strolled in.
  " I am here to give you your first assignment" she said, and laid out her plan. Apparently my abilities as a spellcaster gave her a unique chance to infiltrate a rival guild. A gang of spellcasters known as the Goldcloaks. I was to go and join this guild and spy on them and perhaps be a secret weapon for Mirashi if it came to hostilities.
  Now spying is something I had only dabbled in at school and I informed the Captain of this. She said that I was a bright boy and could handle it. She went and retrieved my equipment and told me I was to have no dealings with the rest of the Basilisks. I was to come and go by way of a Secret door in the back of the clubhouse and report only to her.
  This is not what I was trained for but wanted to make a good impression and agreed to do this for her. I settled down for the night in this secret room and wondered what I had gotten myself into.

Day Two, Predawn

 I awoke about a hour before dawn and did my exercises. Every morning I do 50 sit ups, 50 push ups and stretch. I then meditate for about half an hour. It's a ritual of mine to keep my body and mind strong. I traveled down to the mess hall to get some grub. The cook on duty, who went by the moniker "Cooky" said I was the first one to arrive and asked how my first night went. I replied that I had slept in worse places, which was the truth. Boot Camp was a bitch. I took my plate back to my room to await the summons from the leader of the Blue Basilisks. Hopefully this goes well.

Day One, Evening

 I arrived in town via caravan in an uneventful trip. I had 140 gold pieces to my name which was a graduation present from my parents. I asked directions to a place where I could outfit myself and was directed to an establishment called Thornkeep Mercantile.
 The stock boy was a shady looking fellow about my age by the name of Shakes. He was quick to shake my hand and very helpful in picking out my equipment of studded leather armor, a shield, Morningstar and a heavy crossbow. I was particularly excited about the crossbow as I graduated with a Marksman's certificate. I thanked Shakes for his help and went to explore the town.
 I was going to need work. And I was going to need it fast as I spent all my gold on equipment. I entertained the notion of marching right up to the Baron's castle and signing up as a castle guard, but decided to inquire around town first.
 Some helpful citizens pointed me in the direction of a mercenary guildhall called " The Blue Basilisks." I went in and signed up. I was given a bunk in room and was told the Captain would see me in the morning.


My name is Nitro, and I am a Warmage.
 A little bit about myself and a little bit on Warmages before I continue.
 Nitro of course, is not my real or True name. It would be foolish of me indeed to write and tell anyone who I really am. For one thing, if my enemies learned my true identity they could do a lot of harm to my friends and family. Possibly using them against me. And if a Wizard, Sorcerer or other spellcaster learned my True name, well lets just say I don't want to be anyone's Bitch.
 I will tell you my Mother was a Sorceress and my Father was a Soldier in a long dead Baron's army. Apparently she charmed him, and not with a spell. They were married and retired from adventuring to raise a family. As I grew they both wanted me to follow in their steps. I was smart enough. I was strong enough. I had the force of will to be a Sorcerer if I so desired.
 I decided to make both my parents happy and entered into a military collage as a Warmage.
 A Warmage is a spellcaster trained to do magic while wearing armor, using a shield and swinging weapons. Most practitioners of the Arcane Arts cannot use their magic while so encumbered because it interferes with their concentration. We don't use Spellbooks like a Wizard. The magic is not in our blood like a sorcerer. It is engraved in our minds. The Training is rigorous and hard... to make us ready for War...
 When I graduated from the Academy I decided to return to the town of my birth. A small community by the name of Thornkeep. My parents have long since relocated from there as it is no place to raise a family. It looks like a good place to make a name for myself.
 And this is where my story begins....